Following in his grandfather’s footsteps to take ownership of reducing blight and litter, Chad Livsey organizes street and community clean up events through the Chad Livsey Project.
Learn more about what drives Chad to serve and how you can join him at their next event.
What impact areas or pressing needs facing Atlanta do you care about most? Why?
I care about the conditions of undeserved communities. At the Chad Livsey Project, our target is litter and blight because it has such a negative impact on neighborhoods.
What do you love most about the organization you volunteer with? Why do you volunteer with them?
I love how everything started after watching my grandfather volunteer for years. He adopted roads and I have kept the tradition going.
“My mission is to fight for clean communities and I’ll do it as long as I’m here. Small efforts can change things, actions are better than words.””
How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected your volunteering efforts?
Covid has pushed me to make a bigger difference. Cleanups our done outside and we are safe when it comes to distancing. Over the pandemic, we helped collect over 5k bags of litter.
Can you share a memorable highlight or moment you've experienced that might motivate others to volunteer?
I remember a home owner saying my efforts kept her from selling her home because the area was heavily littered. She stayed and started helping change the area. As she fought back tears, I realized how important community service can be.
Volunteering in April? Share where, when and if others can join you or how they can get involved.
We are planning a cleanup for Earth Day on April 22nd. It'll be on Edgewood Ave. For more details go to
Anything else you think our community should know about you, your volunteer service, or your commitment to Do Something Good!
While giving back to my hometown, I found my purpose amongst all the waste. My mission is to fight for clean communities and I'll do it as long as I'm here. Small efforts can change things, actions are better than words.
Inspired by Chad’s story?
Help us engage and highlight incredible efforts like his, by making a donation to Hands On Atlanta. It takes hard work AND financial support to tackle Atlanta’s most pressing needs. When you let our hands be yours, every $1 invested turns into $6 of economic impact! Donate now and help ensure a more civically engaged and equitable Atlanta.