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Cece Webster and her husband have been volunteering at the Community Assistance Center (CAC) for over 10 years. A retiree from the Coca-Cola Company with great business experiences, skills and financial well-being to give back, Cece has dedicated her time, talent and treasure to supporting this organization who optimizes her values, are good stewards of their resources, have effective/efficient processes and is future thinking and goal oriented.

Cece spent a few minutes sharing about the things she’s passionate about, CAC, and why you should get engage and volunteer!

Tell us a little about what you’re passionate about and the problem you’re trying to solve through volunteering with Community Assistance Center?

I’m passionate about people. There are always people in our community who need help providing the basics for themselves and their families, who need a helping hand to build a sustainable living and future for their families.

While it might seem like a cliché - I honestly believe I get more out of working with our clients than I could ever give them. I loved my career at The Coca-Cola Company, I got a lot of satisfaction from people I got to work with, learned so much, but these 10+ years being part of CAC is the icing on the cake, the reward of being able to share the many blessings in my life with others is beyond measure!

Can you share a moment or story that defines why you give back?

Very early in the pandemic I responded to a call from a single mom of three, who had just relocated to Atlanta for a job as a graphics designer for an event organizer. On the way, her car broke down and she'd had to use most of her cash to rent a car to get her family to Atlanta. COVID literally shut down the events industry nationwide and she was stuck in an Extended Stay America hotel - no car, no job. On top of that, she is deaf!

Through CAC, we were able to help pay room fees for a period of time, connect her with other agencies who also helped, connected her to Lyft/Uber free ride programs and set her up with weekly food deliveries by volunteers from our food pantry. She has gradually built up her on-line graphics business and as of mid-summer was able to move into an apartment in time to enroll all her children in school. She and her kids went from being homeless and hopeless to asking how she can volunteer at CAC, so thankful for a little help during a hard time.

Ok, you’ve sold us on the impact CAC makes for the community. How can people get involved?

Anyone age 15 or older can join me and volunteer at CAC to help our neighbors in their time of need, in April and all year long! There are volunteer opportunities in the food pantry, thrift shop, donation center, and we even have remote volunteer opportunities for those who prefer to stay home.

I challenge and encourage everyone to find a way that works for them to give back to their community in whatever way that works for you, at whatever season of life you are in! YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!

Inspired by Cece’s story?

Help us engage and highlight incredible efforts like Cece’s, by making a donation to Hands On Atlanta. It takes hard work AND financial support to tackle Atlanta’s most pressing needs. When you let our hands be yours, every $1 invested turns into $6 of economic impact! Donate now and help ensure a more civically engaged and equitable Atlanta.