Hands On Atlanta Civic Leader, Solomon Seaborn is passionate about addressing food insecurity and education inequity here in Atlanta. He’s dedicated time to support several nonprofits and has been a model volunteer leader and ambassador for the essential work being done throughout the pandemic.
We recently caught up with Solomon to learn more about where he sees the biggest needs in our community how why it’s so important for people to engage in the work.
Tell us a little about the nonprofit(s) you volunteer with and the impact areas you see the most need in addressing.
I’m passionate about nutrition insecurities and education equality. These issues deprive our youth from an equal start to building a productive life. Neglecting these two issues, will continue to support unfair and systemically flawed institutions.
I volunteer with the West Atlanta Watershed Alliance (WAWA) because they address both the issues I can most about. They provide a place where people can learn more about our environment and urban greenspaces on the Westside, and they provide education on Atlanta history and urban gardening.
“Every time a group of volunteers get in the thick of handing out food, I look up and see cars and people in line, warped around the building. It’s hurtful to see, but it’s inspiring to see others running, lifting and smiling to help our fellow man/woman.”
Has the Covid-19 pandemic affected your volunteering efforts?
COVID has increased my participation in meal distributions. It hurts my heart to see droves of people in line for a week of food. As first world country, we have to do better. While the pandemic might be coming to an end, it's effect on many things are just beginning. I'm most worried about it's effect on education mostly and I encourage everyone to go to an underserved school and see where you can help.
“Solomon is the epitome of a Civic Leader. Every time I ask for his help whether it’s in the middle of the work week (he has a full time job by the way) at an outdoor project that requires a lot of heavy lifting and getting his clothes dirty to leading corporate volunteers in a meal pack, Solomon jumps in and gets the job done! He’s kind, thoughtful and fun person to be around. We are so grateful to have him in the HOA family!”
When will you be volunteering next?
Every second Saturday at Outdoor Activity Center or the many location providing food to different neighborhoods around the city.
Inspired by Solomon’s story?
Help us engage and highlight incredible efforts like Solomon’s, by making a donation to Hands On Atlanta. It takes hard work AND financial support to tackle Atlanta’s most pressing needs. When you let our hands be yours, every $1 invested turns into $6 of economic impact! Donate now and help ensure a more civically engaged and equitable Atlanta.