
How volunteering can feed those in need & soothe the soul

Traditionally, this time of year brings up many feelings of altruism. As we gather around our tables enjoying meals prepared by and shared with loved ones on dark, chilly evenings, the knowledge that others might not have a holiday meal or food in their cupboards is striking in contrast. Volunteering at a food bank, soup kitchen, or stocking a local free pantry are all wonderful ways to share the love with those who might not otherwise have access to healthy, fresh food.

#FlattenTheCurve and Download How We Feel


How We Feel lets you self-report your age, sex, ZIP code, and any health symptoms you experience. It only takes 30 seconds!

Aggregate data is securely shared with select scientists, doctors and public health professionals who are actively working to stop the spread of COVID-19. The app doesn't ask you to sign in or share your name, phone number or email address.

The first time you download the app and donate your data with a check-in, we'll donate a meal to people in need through Feeding America—up to 10 million meals.

How can I get involved?

‍Apply to be a scientific collaborator

Volunteer or join

Make PPE for Health Care Providers


Join Atlanta Beats COVID,  an ad-hoc group of volunteer makers, engineers, fabricators, seamsters, and other Atlanta-area industry experts that are working to provide our hard-working healthcare providers and other vital members of our community with the necessary PPE that they need to stay safe while battling COVID-19 

Atlanta Beats COVID is recruiting the following types of volunteers and donations:

  • Volunteers to Make/Print Face Shields

  • Volunteers to Sew Face Masks and Gowns

  • Volunteers for Cutting and/or Assembly of Face Shields (4 hour shifts available around metro-Atlanta)

  • Drivers for Pick-up and Drop-off Materials and Completed Product  

  • Materials Donation

  • Logistics Support

Check out approved patterns here: https://www.atlantabeatscovid.com/diy   

Now Playing: The Weekly High 5 Podcast

I remember a time when the only question on anyone's mind was, "Is Adnan Sayed innocent or guilty?" In fact, I've been told this was an ice breaker for many first Bumble dates... Anyways, Sarah Koenig and Atlanta's sweetheart Mailkimp brought the world of podcasts out of the basement and into your living room, your car, your commute, and everywhere you went with "Serial." If you don't know what I'm talking about, surely you've heard someone mention "Serial" or maybe you've heard of "This American Life" or even Atlanta's own podcast empire, "How Stuff Works." Atlanta is also home base to one of my faves, Crazy Good Turns. Whatever your interests, guilty pleasures, or preferences to pass the time, chances are, there's a podcast out there waiting for you to press play.

Love Atlanta Turns (and Builds) the Tables on Service

Sometimes you just want to sit down on a picnic table and enjoy a little sunshine. Pull the lap top out, crank out some emails, drink an ice cold Coca-Cola, and enjoy a little peace and quiet. You know what I mean? 

Luckily for the staff at Hands On Atlanta, this fairy tale story is now a reality, thanks to our friends at Love Atlanta! As part of our big office renovation, (and some impeccable timing) their team chose to build 3 brand new picnic tables for our outdoor patio as a site project for their annual week of service. So, the organization that hosts and leads volunteer projects 24/7/365 has now been on the receiving end of one. Yes, the literal and proverbial tables were turned. Things felt pretty good from this side of things, a little too good...

5 Ways Volunteering Improves Your Life

Everyone knows that volunteering is an incredibly giving action for your community. However, sometimes life keeps us too occupied and stressed to even think about it, even though we know it’s the right thing to do. It turns out that volunteer work not only helps your community, but it also improves multiple areas in your own life.

A little skeptical? Keep reading to learn the five ways it does just that.